X-Ray Diffraction

Rigaku SmartLab Multi-Purpose XRD System

The Rigaku SmartLab is an automated, high-resolution, multipurpose, θ-θ, X-ray diffractometer (XRD). The computer-controlled alignment system coupled with an automated optical system makes it easy to switch between bulk, powder, and thin film applications. The HyPix-3000 high-energy-resolution 2D multidimensional semiconductor detector supports 0D, 1D, and 2D measurement modes, allowing all applications to be handled with a single detector, eliminating the inconvenience of preparing and switching individual detectors for different applications. 0D mode paired with parallel beam optics is ideal for thin film techniques such as high-resolution XRD, GIXRD, XRR, and rocking curves. 1D detector mode, usually paired with Bragg-Brentano optics, allows for fast, qualitative XRD as well as quantitative Rietveld refinements on powder samples. The HyPix-3000 detector can be used to obtain 2D powder diffraction patterns, which can be processed to deliver superior qualitative analysis by using all the 2D pattern information as well as quantitative refinements and information on percent crystallinity and texture. An Anton-Paar DSC 500 Cooling/Heating Stage accommodates measurements from -180 - 500 ℃ in air, inert, or vacuum on flat or powder samples to study phase transitions, thermal expansion and more.

Additional Features and Specifications:

  • 3 kV source with Cu and Co X-ray tubes
  • Cross Beam Optics (CBO) with Parabolic Mirror
  • CBO Upgrade with Cu/Co Dual Wavelength Support
  • Vertical Mount Holder for HyPix-3000 to extend 2Φ coverage up to 14.7° 2Φ acceptance angle
  • Ge (220) and Ge (400) 2-Bounce Incident Beam Monochromators for high-resolution parallel beam measurements of the crystal structure of imperfect and highly perfect epitaxial materials
  • Diffracted Beam Optics Assembly with Ni Kβ Filter for Cu Radiation and Ge(400) 2-bounce analyzer
  • High Precision Z-Stage for Horizontal Sample Measurement without the need for clamping or vacuum chucking. Sample remains perfectly flat and stationary throughout the measurement, which keeps the sample from bending, bowing, or vibrating during analysis.
  • φ Attachment for in-plane sample rotation, alignment, and texture analysis.
  • Rx Ry Direct Connect Tilt Stage for in-plane alignment
  • Eulerian cradle providing sample tilt and rotation axes to move sample in χ, φ, and Z axes.
  • 100mm XY Sample Stage for mapping over entire 100mm sample surface.
  • Automated sample changer for up to 10 samples
  • CCD Camera for Sample Positioning and Viewing
  • SmartLab Studio II Software with the following features and plugins: Guidance, Standard, Basic and Comprehensive Powder Analysis, Powder Qualitative (Search) Analysis, Powder Rietveld/WPPF Analysis, XRD measurement, Data Manager, HRXRD Analysis, XRR, Data Visualization, Texture
  • Crystallography Open Database (COD) and ICDD PDF-4+ Database