Team LEAF Wins $4,000 at ideaLabs Pitch Competition
Congratulations to the Great Lakes Energy Institute, ThinkEnergy Fellowship Program and Team LEAF for winning the $4,000 first prize at the spring 2021 ideaLabs pitch competition. The LEAF team includes Evan Haug (presenter), Mohamed Mahmoud, Cooper Reif, Kehley Coleman, Asya Orhan. LEAF is developing a solar design assistant code to help commercial solar panel installation engineers do their job better. Team LEAF was invited to compete in the ideaLabs competition by winning the 2021 PitchCWRU competition earlier this spring. The ideaLabs pitch competition was hosted by the Entrepreneurship Education Consortium (EEC), which is a group of regional universities that include Ashland University, Baldwin Wallace University, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland State University, Hiram College, John Carroll University, Kent State University, Lake Erie College, Lorain County Community College, University of Akron, and the University of Mount Union.