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David Matthiesen

Associate Professor Emeritus, Materials Science and Engineering
Director, Wind Energy Research and Commercialization (WERC) Center
Develops process engineering solutions for the manufacturing of new magnetic materials
Office: 400 White
Phone Number: (216) 368-1366


Ph.D., Materials Engineering, Massachusetts Intitute of Technology, 1988
M.S., Ceramic Engineering, University of Illinois, 1982
B.S., Ceramic Engineering, University of Illinois, 1980

Awards and Recognitions

2018, CSE - Undergraduate Teaching Award, Case School of Engineering
2018, Nominated for Carl F. Whittke Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Case Western Reserve University
2017, CSE - International Activities Award, Case School of Engineering

Research Interests

Dr. Matthiesen’s research focuses on the development of technologies in wind energy including new magnetic materials. He is the director of The Ohio Wind Energy Research and Commercialization (Ohio-WERC) Center. The WERC Center's goal is to combine CWRU engineering expertise with funded facilities to provide platforms for the development of wind power supply chain products and long-term educational and training opportunities. Dr. Matthiesen analyzes the wind turbine located on CWRU’s campus and the effect surrounding buildings have on wind flow around the turbine site in order to improve turbine performance in urban areas. Additionally, Dr. Matthiesen is the research team leader for Lake Erie Energy Development Corp.’s (LEEDCo.) Project Icebreaker, which seeks to establish the first freshwater wind farm off the coast of Lake Erie. His work in wind power also includes measuring the interface strength of ice when it sticks to the turbine blades, which could help improve performance of turbines in temperate climates.

Teaching Interests

Thermodynamics and measurements of material properties that are needed for thermodynamic calculations.

Patents Received

2016, "Transformation Enabled Nitride Magnets absent rare earths and a process of Making the Same," JP 6051456, David Matthiesen.

Patents Pending

2012, "Transformation Enabled Nitride Magnets Absent Rare Earths and a Process of Making the Same," PCT/US2012/070086, David Matthiesen.


Matthiesen, D. H., & Corrigan, D. (2017). Analysis of the Power Law Exponent Applied to Lake Erie Wind Shear. Wind Engineering, 41(2) (), 103-113.
Corrigan, D., Li, S., & Matthiesen, D. H. (2016). Computational fluid dynamics modeling of the structural influences on offshore wind measurements at the Cleveland water intake crib in Lake Erie. Wind Engineering, 40 (3), 283-292.